People with a substance use disorder struggle with an intense urge to use substances like alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs, even when they know doing so is causing, or will cause, problems in their health and relationships. Substance use disorders can make a person feel trapped, helpless, or alone in grappling with the underlying causes of their dependency.
That’s why we’re here. Tellurian has helped thousands of patients from every walk of life with substance use disorders; whether you’re seeking help for yourself or a loved one, turn to Tellurian for decades of expertise, profound humanity, and real hope in the journey to recovery.
Our treatment options for substance use disorders are some of the most robust and comprehensive therapies we offer. Our qualified, compassionate staff can help with every step of the healing process, from observation to residential programs, all the way through outpatient treatment for those patients who are managing their recovery well.
Recommended therapies and program lengths are always based on a tailored plan that you’ll develop together with our treatment team.
Some of the Treatments We Incorporate:
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Our most involved program, qualified to address every disorder that we treat.
Targeted case management for CCS-enrolled patients that provides crisis stabilization, medication management, money management, and housing coordination to patients living with mental illness and/or substance abuse.
A housing complex offering case management services for its residents.
A Bureau of Justice Assistance initiative that refers people who overdose or are stopped for low-level, victimless offenses to behavioral drug treatment.
The least restrictive care option at Tellurian, involving therapies that match a patient’s progress toward recovery.
Professionals who use their personal lived experience with mental health and/or substance use challenges to support those in treatment and demonstrate that recovery is possible.
A safe environment for withdrawal management and preparation for ongoing substance use treatment.
Designed for patients who need slightly more involved treatment than standard outpatient care.
A facility for those waiting to enter a treatment program for substance or alcohol use.