Maybe you fume when someone won’t let you merge in traffic, or your blood pressure skyrockets when your child is disobedient. Anger is a common, even healthy emotion that everyone deals with. When it starts negatively affecting your health and relationships, however, finding a useful way to manage it becomes essential to a better quality of life.
Together, we can reshape your perspective on what causes your anger and help you manage it in a healthier way.
Tellurian’s treatment modalities and therapies for Anger Management are tailored to each patient we treat. Available levels of care range from Outpatient and Day Treatment approaches to more intensive residential programs.
Recommended therapies and program lengths are always based on a tailored plan that you’ll develop together with our treatment team.
Some of the Treatments We Incorporate:
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Our most involved program, qualified to address every disorder that we treat.
The least restrictive care option at Tellurian, involving therapies that match a patient’s progress toward recovery.
Designed for patients who need slightly more involved treatment than standard outpatient care.