Prolonged or extensive use of alcohol and/or drugs can create a physical dependency and life-threatening health problems. Tellurian’s Residential Withdrawal Management Program is the first step on the road to recovery from these conditions.
Enter a safe, secure, 29-bed facility staffed by highly trained, credentialed professionals. Patients at the Residential Withdrawal Management Program are medically monitored by a Registered Nurse (RN) and supervised by a Board-Certified Physician (MD) specializing in addictionology.
Wisconsin State Certified Counselors meet individually with each patient to help determine an optimal treatment level and expedite each patient’s entry into community treatment programs.
The average length of stay for most patients at the Tellurian Residential Withdrawal Management Program is 72 hours or less. Some patients experiencing opiate withdrawals may benefit from a longer length of stay.
Opioid dependence is a challenging and complicated condition, but it can be successfully treated; Suboxone® is the first prescription medication approved for this under the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000. Suboxone® was developed to decrease the pain and discomfort of withdrawal and to decrease opiate cravings, blocking the effects of drugs like heroin, morphine, Vicodin, Oxycodone, and Oxycontin.
Suboxone® is not a “miracle cure.” Treating opioid dependence takes hard work! Feeling sadness, anxiety, and loneliness along the way is normal, but our team does everything we can to make joy and laughter part of the journey too. The Tellurian Suboxone® Treatment Program follows three distinct phases:
A staff physician and therapist review medical records and psychosocial history during a medical exam and intake process to see if Suboxone® is right for a patient. If the drug is prescribed, dosages are regularly adjusted and intensive group and individual therapy starts.
This phase focuses on continued weekly group and individual counseling. Medication checks occur monthly, and random drug screens will happen.
Monthly individual counseling and group therapy sessions continue as patients learn to rebuild their lives free from addiction.