This program is for patients who have a supportive home environment but require more intensive treatment than traditional outpatient options offer. Patients have the chance to practice recovery skills within a community, leaning on peer and staff support to help them maintain their sobriety. Day Treatment is meant for individuals experiencing:

  • Substance Use Disorders
  • Depression and Mood Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders (including OCD)
  • Trauma Disorders (including PTSD)
  • Anger Issues
  • Shame
  • Grief

This program is for patients who have supportive home enviroment but require more intensive treatment than traditional outpatient options offer. Patients have the chance to practice recovery skills wihin a community, leaning on peer and staff support to help them maintain their sobriety. The Day Treatment prgram includes several treatmet modalities and interventions. A few examples include:

  • Individual and Group Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • Stages of Change
  • Person-Centered Therapies
  • Strength-Based Therapies
  • Mindfulness
  • Motivational Interviewing
Still have questions?

Free Lifesaving Narcan and Fentanyl Strips

Narcan and Fentanyl test strips are now available through a vending machine located at the Tellurian Detox Facility,  2914 Industrial Drive in Madison

Treatment and Support on Your Schedule

Our Synergy Day Treatment is a 12-16 week substance use program where individuals attend group sessions four days a week and meet with their counselor one day a week. Chelsi Koenig leads the AM group (Tuesday-Friday from 9 am to 1 pm), and Kris Modaff leads the PM group (Tuesday-Friday from 4 pm to 8 pm). Kris and Chelsi are both licensed substance abuse counselors and love what they do.

This program follows the Matrix Model, an integrative treatment using different behavioral therapies while utilizing the following core principles: relapse prevention planning/skills, honesty, accountability, structure, coping skills, and building a support network. Each session starts with an icebreaker, followed by check-ins, goal setting/daily lesson plan to learn coping skills and tools that will help clients navigate their recovery, and ends with motivational quotes and feedback forms. This program aims to show that recovery can be fun, with activities like interactive games. Chelsi's motto is, “You don’t get sober to be bored,” so we ensure our sessions are engaging and enjoyable for all.

  • Individual and Group Therapy
  • Congnitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • Stages of Change
  • Person-Centered Therapies
  • Strength-Based Therapies
  • Mindfulness
  • Motivaltional Interviewing

The Day Treatment Program is licensed under DHS 75.52 as a Day Treatment Service. It is an approved provider for Dane County’s Intoxicated Driver Program and assists participants in the successful completion of recommended or court-ordered driver safety plans.

Opioid Treatment with Medically Assisted Treatment

Opioid dependence is a challenging and complicated condition, but it can be successfully treated. Tellurian offers multiple medication assistant treatment options including: Suboxone®, Sublicaid, Vivitrol, and Brixadi. We offer these treatments in conjunction with our array of therapy options.

- Individual Therapy                                                                       
- Group Therapy                                                                
- Family Therapy                                                                    
- Couples Therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing(EMDR)
- Mindfulness-based Cognitive Intervention (MBCT)
- Brain Spotting (BSP) 
- Narrative Therapy
- Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
- Relaxation & Emotional Regulation
- Bibliotherapy
- Psychoeducation
- Strength-Based Therapies
- Motivational Interviewing
-And More

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Whether you just need more information or you’re ready to start your journey towards recovery, our Patient Services team is here to help.

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location where program is available